Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day one

Ahhh what a beautiful day! The sun is shining over the "powdered sugar" covered trees and the birds are chirping! It didn't start out that way let me tell you. Had to be at an appointment at 8:00 this morning and as I left the house I heard rocks in my tires? I pulled over and found the culprits and removed them. I started down McCarran and all of the sudden hear the the noise again only it FELT worse. I pulled over and when I turned off my car, I could hear what sounded like hissing. In my left rear tire was someone's friggin SPARK PLUG and it punctured a whole threw my tire! Not only was it just a tire, but I just got 4 BRAND NEW tires last Saturday. I sat on the side of the road with no one to call that early in the morning and cried. Finally about twenty minutes later a nice man and a police officer pulled over to see if I needed help? The man changed my tire (to the donut) and was on his merry way. I said thank you, got in my car and drove stright to the tire place. They not only fixed my tire for free, but even put the donut back in the trunk the right way! What a day! Thank you to the Man that helped me and to Tire's Plus for doing a great job on my car!!!