Thursday, March 10, 2011


I have recently become the biggest fan of HGTV in HD! I can wake up at 5am and sit in my recliner or lay in bed and watch that station until 8pm at night! I have come up with so many ideas for my house. I will have to get permission since I am only a renter? The good news is the owners have never been in the house? Not even when they bought it. They bought as is when a friend wanted to sell it.

The property manager I dont think she will care because she loves us! We tried to give notice when our lease was up, and she said no, and asked us what we wated her to do to make us sign another lease! The first thing I have to do is get rid of the 60's style wallpaper, then I want to paint and build shelving? I have already painted my moms bedroom and bathroom, now to tackle the rest of the house!

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