Friday, March 4, 2011


OK, so I went in Wednesday for my epidural injection and seemed to be a success. I thought I was having a baby all over again! It was the wierdest feeling when the doctor was actually injecting the medication into my back. I came home and rested per doctors orders, and had a list of possible side effects to look out for. When I woke up Thursday morning to go to work I had the worst headache of my life and nausea, so I called the doctor's hotline and explained my symptoms and they told me to call his office between 8:30 and 9am.
I went to work (against my better judgement) because I didnt want to call in and have to explain myself to the "MICROMANAGER"! Before I got to call the doctor, his office called me. They asked when I could be there and I told them in 30 min. I IM'd Tiffany(micromanager) to let her know the doctor wanted to see me right away and all she could say was "Dont forget to bring a DR. note back with you! Really! Am I that dumb?
Anyways long story short, the doctor put me on bed rest for Thursday and Friday, and I could return to work on Monday. I go back to work to take Tiffany the note from the Doctor that states, "NO ACTIVITY 3-3-11 THRU 3-7-11" May resume normal activity on 3-7-11. They have already faxed her so when I get to her office she says, "The note says NO ACTIVITY, does this mean you cant sit at your desk and work until Monday???  I politely answered yes, he wants my to rest until Monday, to give the medicine a chance to start working and to get this Migraine under control? You know what she says? OH, That's tooo bad? I guess i will have to let evryone know that you wont be in so they can help cover your work!
EXCUSE ME! But this wouldn't be happening if they had taken care of the whole parking lot after the snow storm!
They are acting like it is my fault I fell (twice)! I HATE MY JOB!

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