Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saturday, Saturday

Well I have training this morningfor an hour or so, then going over to the restaurant to do some cleaning then at 1pm the Rib Tasting begins! Cant wait to start the real training where we get to try all the food! I want some good ol' BBQ! Then depending on how I am feeling I will go out and start to tackle my garage:( I want to have a yard sale in the next couple of weeks be cause I have so much crap to get rid of, I just don want to go through and sort it first!

I cant believe that it is time to spring foward already? Seems like just last month we were Falling back! I think this whole time change is stupid! Why do we need to have an extra hour of light at any given time? Why cant they just leave well enough alone? I know I dont see any changes in my energy usage!

Well tomorrow is our last day to blog, and frankly I am going to miss it? I thought it was pretty cool to come in and just \jot down what I am thinking at that moment? See you tomorrow!!!

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