Sunday, March 13, 2011

Last day of Blogging

Well, today is the last day for this assignment! I am sad to say that I will miss blogging everyday. I might event keep my blog sight just so I have some place to release my thoughts? Anyways waht are we going to do with no FOOTBALL? I hope they can comee up with an agreement soon!

Well I hope everyone has had as good a time blogging as I have these past few weeks. I have really enjoyed reading the posts of everyone!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saturday, Saturday

Well I have training this morningfor an hour or so, then going over to the restaurant to do some cleaning then at 1pm the Rib Tasting begins! Cant wait to start the real training where we get to try all the food! I want some good ol' BBQ! Then depending on how I am feeling I will go out and start to tackle my garage:( I want to have a yard sale in the next couple of weeks be cause I have so much crap to get rid of, I just don want to go through and sort it first!

I cant believe that it is time to spring foward already? Seems like just last month we were Falling back! I think this whole time change is stupid! Why do we need to have an extra hour of light at any given time? Why cant they just leave well enough alone? I know I dont see any changes in my energy usage!

Well tomorrow is our last day to blog, and frankly I am going to miss it? I thought it was pretty cool to come in and just \jot down what I am thinking at that moment? See you tomorrow!!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

It's Friday

Wow what a week! I really dont have much to say today, but I will do my best? I am starting over at Famous Daves today. I am gonna help get the restaurant ready to open in 2 weeks. It;s kind of nice to have a good friend as the manager because I can get all the hours that noone else can! I will be doing all the tedious things like filling salt an pepper shakers, and sugar caddies, but who cares at least I am getting paid!

I will be working the Rib Tasting out in front of the restaurant tomorrow as well. Come show your support! $1 a rib and all of the proceeds go the the Boys and Girls Club of Washoe County. Tell you friends, post on Facebook! Hope to see you all there!

Have a great day!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I have recently become the biggest fan of HGTV in HD! I can wake up at 5am and sit in my recliner or lay in bed and watch that station until 8pm at night! I have come up with so many ideas for my house. I will have to get permission since I am only a renter? The good news is the owners have never been in the house? Not even when they bought it. They bought as is when a friend wanted to sell it.

The property manager I dont think she will care because she loves us! We tried to give notice when our lease was up, and she said no, and asked us what we wated her to do to make us sign another lease! The first thing I have to do is get rid of the 60's style wallpaper, then I want to paint and build shelving? I have already painted my moms bedroom and bathroom, now to tackle the rest of the house!

Windy Day

WOW! What a windy day outside. I love days like this, especially when I dont have to go anywhere! I love to just curl up in bed and watch tv. I would be doing that if I wasn't in so much pain again? I dont know what happened, but I woke up yesterday in MORE pain than when I origanlly fell. I dont go to see my doctor until Monday, and I dont know what is going to happen next?

Got a call from ny boys' school yesterday saying that both my boys are getting awards, but they wouldnt tell me what for? Damien and Donavin are the BEST!!!!! I cant wait to see what it's all about.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


So that awesome(not) company I worked for, Fan Fi International decided to cut me my final check and proceeded to deduct all the hours that I had to take off due to my workmans comp claim! Can they do that legally??? I dont know how to go about this, I can really use some input here.So instead of a full paycheck i got a check for 35.10! Can anyone help me out on any steps that I can take? If any?

Monday, March 7, 2011

I did it!

OMG! I feel like the world has been lifted of my shoulders. I took my resignation letter in this morning along with my keys, and when I haded them to Tiffany, she said Thank you and told me I didn't have to stay! I packed up my stuff and left. I was driving home and all of the sudden I smiled and said "DAMN, I feel good!"

I will take these next couple of weeks to get my house in order, catch up on homework, and get ready for the Grand Opening at Famous Daves!  This is a short post, but I will be back later!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Executive Decision

We all know by now that I am the most unhappyiest person right now in my job! While I am gratefull to be working in this economy, I just cant do it anymore. I have had time to lay around and weigh my options and have come up with the final decision? I am getting the HELL out of that Company! I wrote my resignation letter to Tiffany yesterday and will give it to her tomorrow. They probably wont offer to keep me around, but that is alright, that will give me time to focus on my boys and getting ahead in my schoolwork!

No matter whaere I am working, I always give 150% of my devotion, and no matter what I did at RAP, I felt like I was not good enough? Oh well, I have moved on and gotten over it! I am going back to what I love: Serving and Bartending. It is in my DNA!

All I want to say to Fan Fi International is: I wish you all the best of luck!

Now on a positive note, Famous Daves in Reno will be opening it's doors on March 28th! Show your support and spread the news! Hope to see you all there!

Until next time!

Friday, March 4, 2011


OK, so I went in Wednesday for my epidural injection and seemed to be a success. I thought I was having a baby all over again! It was the wierdest feeling when the doctor was actually injecting the medication into my back. I came home and rested per doctors orders, and had a list of possible side effects to look out for. When I woke up Thursday morning to go to work I had the worst headache of my life and nausea, so I called the doctor's hotline and explained my symptoms and they told me to call his office between 8:30 and 9am.
I went to work (against my better judgement) because I didnt want to call in and have to explain myself to the "MICROMANAGER"! Before I got to call the doctor, his office called me. They asked when I could be there and I told them in 30 min. I IM'd Tiffany(micromanager) to let her know the doctor wanted to see me right away and all she could say was "Dont forget to bring a DR. note back with you! Really! Am I that dumb?
Anyways long story short, the doctor put me on bed rest for Thursday and Friday, and I could return to work on Monday. I go back to work to take Tiffany the note from the Doctor that states, "NO ACTIVITY 3-3-11 THRU 3-7-11" May resume normal activity on 3-7-11. They have already faxed her so when I get to her office she says, "The note says NO ACTIVITY, does this mean you cant sit at your desk and work until Monday???  I politely answered yes, he wants my to rest until Monday, to give the medicine a chance to start working and to get this Migraine under control? You know what she says? OH, That's tooo bad? I guess i will have to let evryone know that you wont be in so they can help cover your work!
EXCUSE ME! But this wouldn't be happening if they had taken care of the whole parking lot after the snow storm!
They are acting like it is my fault I fell (twice)! I HATE MY JOB!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Rainy Day

Good morning! Today is going to be the perfect day to lay in bed and snuggle! To bad that won't be happening? I am going in for a minor procedure today for my back. I slipped an fell back in January and Physical Therapy wasn't cutting it. They are going to be giving me an Epidural, Just like the one you get when you have a baby, but without the constant drip that makes your legs numb. (BOO HOO!) That was always the best part of the procedure!

I am so excited that I dont have to go in to the "Hell Hole" that I call a job today. After my procedure, I get to come home get in bed and not move the rest of the day! The other good thing is that it paid for by workmans comp, so I dont have to do anything but show up! I cant wait until I feel 100% again.

Yesterday went and got my dog (minurature daschund) a collar for barking, and it is the funniest thing to watch her go outside and try to bark! You will hear one or two barks, and then all of the sudden she will yelp and come flying through the doggie door!  I hate the fact that I have to resort to this collar, but if I don't then she will literally sit at the fence and bark for HOURS!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hated It!

OK, so I am a customer service representative for this  comapny that moved up here from California about a year ago. I was so excited to get the job, and now I am sorry that I did? I have never been so "MICROMANAGED" in all my life! I am talked to like I am 2, I dont know what to do? I am miserable. The only things that really keep me getting up in the morning and coming to this dreadful place is that of my two wonderful little boys!!! They are my life, and will do anything to survive for them! Even if that means doing somthing I hate so much?

On to something more enlightening, Took my boys rollar skating for the first time and we had had a blst!!! I forgot that I knew how to roller skate. I havent been on wheels sin I was probably 7 or 8 yrs old?
I could not believe how many people still skate these days? I woould highly recommened anyone that has kids, if you are bored or couped up, Roller Kingdom is the place to go! It's cheap, fun and really excites the kiddos!!!

See you all tomorrow!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day one

Ahhh what a beautiful day! The sun is shining over the "powdered sugar" covered trees and the birds are chirping! It didn't start out that way let me tell you. Had to be at an appointment at 8:00 this morning and as I left the house I heard rocks in my tires? I pulled over and found the culprits and removed them. I started down McCarran and all of the sudden hear the the noise again only it FELT worse. I pulled over and when I turned off my car, I could hear what sounded like hissing. In my left rear tire was someone's friggin SPARK PLUG and it punctured a whole threw my tire! Not only was it just a tire, but I just got 4 BRAND NEW tires last Saturday. I sat on the side of the road with no one to call that early in the morning and cried. Finally about twenty minutes later a nice man and a police officer pulled over to see if I needed help? The man changed my tire (to the donut) and was on his merry way. I said thank you, got in my car and drove stright to the tire place. They not only fixed my tire for free, but even put the donut back in the trunk the right way! What a day! Thank you to the Man that helped me and to Tire's Plus for doing a great job on my car!!!