Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Rainy Day

Good morning! Today is going to be the perfect day to lay in bed and snuggle! To bad that won't be happening? I am going in for a minor procedure today for my back. I slipped an fell back in January and Physical Therapy wasn't cutting it. They are going to be giving me an Epidural, Just like the one you get when you have a baby, but without the constant drip that makes your legs numb. (BOO HOO!) That was always the best part of the procedure!

I am so excited that I dont have to go in to the "Hell Hole" that I call a job today. After my procedure, I get to come home get in bed and not move the rest of the day! The other good thing is that it paid for by workmans comp, so I dont have to do anything but show up! I cant wait until I feel 100% again.

Yesterday went and got my dog (minurature daschund) a collar for barking, and it is the funniest thing to watch her go outside and try to bark! You will hear one or two barks, and then all of the sudden she will yelp and come flying through the doggie door!  I hate the fact that I have to resort to this collar, but if I don't then she will literally sit at the fence and bark for HOURS!

1 comment:

  1. No offence, but your dog may need some obedience training and or more simulating activities. I won’t go into the method currently in use.
